What is your plan for 2022?
I know what i want to achieve this year and for it not to overwhelm me, i broke it into quarterly a year. This will make me achieve my goals in bits. I remember i said it in my previous blog that the goal is to release singles after singles and that goal still stands.
Next, i will be more engaging on social media, do as much live performances as i can, carry my fans along and guess what? I posted my first live performance yesterday on instagram. Here's the link https://www.instagram.com/tv/CYwmHp9JGEv/?utm_medium=copy_link
I was nervous that i dint go back to watch it so, i asked a couple of my friends to go check it out and tell me how it's doing. I got good feedback and encouragement to carry on. This is a great giant first step for me and i cant wait to do more.

In addition, i will try to do some collaboration (if it's possible) with some artists around. I've always shy away from this i don't know why but here i am saying, "what's the harm in trying"? It's not rocket science.
So right now, i'm waiting for the first single to be mixed and mastered..yay! and follow up will be photoshoots, graphic/art cover and strategic planning.
I hope you plan towards your dreams this year and achieve it as well. Start scared, ask the good people around you to give you review.
Thank you for reading and wishing all the best.